import re, types from collections import defaultdict def tokenize(s, removePunctuation = True): if removePunctuation: p = re.compile('[\.,!?()\[\]{}:;"\'<>/ \n\r\t]') return [el for el in p.split(s) if el] else: t = [] s = re.split('\s', s) p = re.compile('(\W)') for phrase in s: words = p.split(phrase) for word in words: t.append(word) return [el for el in t if el] class Node(object): def __init__(self): self.freq = 0 = defaultdict(int) class Trie(object): def __init__(self, inFile): self.nodes = [] self.nodes.append(Node()) self.n = 1 self.numberOfWords = 0 for line in file(inFile): words = tokenize(line) for w in words: currNode = 0 for char in w: if self.nodes[currNode].next[char] == 0: self.nodes.append(Node()) self.nodes[currNode].next[char] = self.n currNode = self.n self.n += 1 else: currNode = self.nodes[currNode].next[char] self.nodes[currNode].freq += 1 self.numberOfWords = len([node for node in self.nodes if node.freq != 0]) def __getitem__(self, word): """Return the frequency of the given word.""" if isinstance(word, types.StringTypes): currNode = 0 for char in word: if self.nodes[currNode].next[char] == 0: raise AttributeError("No such word: %s" % word) else: currNode = self.nodes[currNode].next[char] return self.nodes[currNode].freq else: raise TypeError() def __len__(self): """Return the number of nodes in the trie.""" return self.n