import bisect import itertools import operator class _BNode(object): __slots__ = ["tree", "contents", "children"] def __init__(self, tree, contents=None, children=None): self.tree = tree self.contents = contents or [] self.children = children or [] if self.children: assert len(self.contents) + 1 == len(self.children), \ "one more child than data item required" def __repr__(self): name = getattr(self, "children", 0) and "Branch" or "Leaf" return "<%s %s>" % (name, ", ".join(map(str, self.contents))) def lateral(self, parent, parent_index, dest, dest_index): if parent_index > dest_index: dest.contents.append(parent.contents[dest_index]) parent.contents[dest_index] = self.contents.pop(0) if self.children: dest.children.append(self.children.pop(0)) else: dest.contents.insert(0, parent.contents[parent_index]) parent.contents[parent_index] = self.contents.pop() if self.children: dest.children.insert(0, self.children.pop()) def shrink(self, ancestors): parent = None if ancestors: parent, parent_index = ancestors.pop() # try to lend to the left neighboring sibling if parent_index: left_sib = parent.children[parent_index - 1] if len(left_sib.contents) < self.tree.order: self.lateral( parent, parent_index, left_sib, parent_index - 1) return # try the right neighbor if parent_index + 1 < len(parent.children): right_sib = parent.children[parent_index + 1] if len(right_sib.contents) < self.tree.order: self.lateral( parent, parent_index, right_sib, parent_index + 1) return center = len(self.contents) // 2 sibling, push = self.split() if not parent: parent, parent_index = self.tree.BRANCH( self.tree, children=[self]), 0 self.tree._root = parent # pass the median up to the parent parent.contents.insert(parent_index, push) parent.children.insert(parent_index + 1, sibling) if len(parent.contents) > parent.tree.order: parent.shrink(ancestors) def grow(self, ancestors): parent, parent_index = ancestors.pop() minimum = self.tree.order // 2 left_sib = right_sib = None # try to borrow from the right sibling if parent_index + 1 < len(parent.children): right_sib = parent.children[parent_index + 1] if len(right_sib.contents) > minimum: right_sib.lateral(parent, parent_index + 1, self, parent_index) return # try to borrow from the left sibling if parent_index: left_sib = parent.children[parent_index - 1] if len(left_sib.contents) > minimum: left_sib.lateral(parent, parent_index - 1, self, parent_index) return # consolidate with a sibling - try left first if left_sib: left_sib.contents.append(parent.contents[parent_index - 1]) left_sib.contents.extend(self.contents) if self.children: left_sib.children.extend(self.children) parent.contents.pop(parent_index - 1) parent.children.pop(parent_index) else: self.contents.append(parent.contents[parent_index]) self.contents.extend(right_sib.contents) if self.children: self.children.extend(right_sib.children) parent.contents.pop(parent_index) parent.children.pop(parent_index + 1) if len(parent.contents) < minimum: if ancestors: # parent is not the root parent.grow(ancestors) elif not parent.contents: # parent is root, and its now empty self.tree._root = left_sib or self def split(self): center = len(self.contents) // 2 median = self.contents[center] sibling = type(self)( self.tree, self.contents[center + 1:], self.children[center + 1:]) self.contents = self.contents[:center] self.children = self.children[:center + 1] return sibling, median def insert(self, index, item, ancestors): self.contents.insert(index, item) if len(self.contents) > self.tree.order: self.shrink(ancestors) def remove(self, index, ancestors): minimum = self.tree.order // 2 if self.children: # try promoting from the right subtree first, # but only if it won't have to resize additional_ancestors = [(self, index + 1)] descendent = self.children[index + 1] while descendent.children: additional_ancestors.append((descendent, 0)) descendent = descendent.children[0] if len(descendent.contents) > minimum: ancestors.extend(additional_ancestors) self.contents[index] = descendent.contents[0] descendent.remove(0, ancestors) return # fall back to the left child additional_ancestors = [(self, index)] descendent = self.children[index] while descendent.children: additional_ancestors.append( (descendent, len(descendent.children) - 1)) descendent = descendent.children[-1] ancestors.extend(additional_ancestors) self.contents[index] = descendent.contents[-1] descendent.remove(len(descendent.children) - 1, ancestors) else: self.contents.pop(index) if len(self.contents) < minimum and ancestors: self.grow(ancestors) class _BPlusLeaf(_BNode): __slots__ = ["tree", "contents", "data", "next"] def __init__(self, tree, contents=None, data=None, next=None): self.tree = tree self.contents = contents or [] = data or [] = next assert len(self.contents) == len(, "one data per key" def insert(self, index, key, data, ancestors): self.contents.insert(index, key), data) if len(self.contents) > self.tree.order: self.shrink(ancestors) def lateral(self, parent, parent_index, dest, dest_index): if parent_index > dest_index: dest.contents.append(self.contents.pop(0)) parent.contents[dest_index] = self.contents[0] else: dest.contents.insert(0, self.contents.pop()), parent.contents[parent_index] = dest.contents[0] def split(self): center = len(self.contents) // 2 median = self.contents[center - 1] sibling = type(self)( self.tree, self.contents[center:],[center:], self.contents = self.contents[:center] =[:center] = sibling return sibling, sibling.contents[0] def remove(self, index, ancestors): minimum = self.tree.order // 2 if index >= len(self.contents): self, index =, 0 key = self.contents[index] # if any leaf that could accept the key can do so # without any rebalancing necessary, then go that route current = self while current is not None and current.contents[0] == key: if len(current.contents) > minimum: if current.contents[0] == key: index = 0 else: index = bisect.bisect_left(current.contents, key) current.contents.pop(index) return current = self.grow(ancestors) def grow(self, ancestors): minimum = self.tree.order // 2 parent, parent_index = ancestors.pop() left_sib = right_sib = None # try borrowing from a neighbor - try right first if parent_index + 1 < len(parent.children): right_sib = parent.children[parent_index + 1] if len(right_sib.contents) > minimum: right_sib.lateral(parent, parent_index + 1, self, parent_index) return # fallback to left if parent_index: left_sib = parent.children[parent_index - 1] if len(left_sib.contents) > minimum: left_sib.lateral(parent, parent_index - 1, self, parent_index) return # join with a neighbor - try left first if left_sib: left_sib.contents.extend(self.contents) parent.remove(parent_index - 1, ancestors) return # fallback to right self.contents.extend(right_sib.contents) parent.remove(parent_index, ancestors) class BTree(object): BRANCH = LEAF = _BNode def __init__(self, order): self.order = order self._root = self._bottom = self.LEAF(self) def _path_to(self, item): current = self._root ancestry = [] while getattr(current, "children", None): index = bisect.bisect_left(current.contents, item) ancestry.append((current, index)) if index < len(current.contents) \ and current.contents[index] == item: return ancestry current = current.children[index] index = bisect.bisect_left(current.contents, item) ancestry.append((current, index)) present = index < len(current.contents) present = present and current.contents[index] == item return ancestry def _present(self, item, ancestors): last, index = ancestors[-1] return index < len(last.contents) and last.contents[index] == item def insert(self, item): current = self._root ancestors = self._path_to(item) node, index = ancestors[-1] while getattr(node, "children", None): node = node.children[index] index = bisect.bisect_left(node.contents, item) ancestors.append((node, index)) node, index = ancestors.pop() node.insert(index, item, ancestors) def remove(self, item): current = self._root ancestors = self._path_to(item) if self._present(item, ancestors): node, index = ancestors.pop() node.remove(index, ancestors) else: raise ValueError("%r not in %s" % (item, self.__class__.__name__)) def __contains__(self, item): return self._present(item, self._path_to(item)) def __iter__(self): def _recurse(node): if node.children: for child, item in zip(node.children, node.contents): for child_item in _recurse(child): yield child_item yield item for child_item in _recurse(node.children[-1]): yield child_item else: for item in node.contents: yield item for item in _recurse(self._root): yield item def __repr__(self): def recurse(node, accum, depth): accum.append((" " * depth) + repr(node)) for node in getattr(node, "children", []): recurse(node, accum, depth + 1) accum = [] recurse(self._root, accum, 0) return "\n".join(accum) class BPlusTree(BTree): LEAF = _BPlusLeaf def _get(self, key): node, index = self._path_to(key)[-1] if index == len(node.contents): if node, index =, 0 else: return while node.contents[index] == key: yield[index] index += 1 if index == len(node.contents): if node, index =, 0 else: return def _path_to(self, item): path = super(BPlusTree, self)._path_to(item) node, index = path[-1] while hasattr(node, "children"): node = node.children[index] index = bisect.bisect_left(node.contents, item) path.append((node, index)) return path def get(self, key, default=None): try: return self._get(key).next() except StopIteration: return default def getlist(self, key): return list(self._get(key)) def insert(self, key, data): path = self._path_to(key) node, index = path.pop() node.insert(index, key, data, path) def remove(self, key): path = self._path_to(key) node, index = path.pop() node.remove(index, path) __getitem__ = get __setitem__ = insert __delitem__ = remove def __contains__(self, key): for item in self._get(key): return True return False def iteritems(self): node = self._root while hasattr(node, "children"): node = node.children[0] while node: for pair in itertools.izip(node.contents, yield pair node = def iterkeys(self): return itertools.imap(operator.itemgetter(0), self.iteritems()) def itervalues(self): return itertools.imap(operator.itemgetter(1), self.iteritems()) __iter__ = iterkeys def items(self): return list(self.iteritems()) def keys(self): return list(self.iterkeys()) def values(self): return list(self.itervalues()) if __name__ == '__main__': String="" BTree=BPlusTree(2) BTree.insert(11,11) BTree.insert(5,5) BTree.insert(4,3) BTree.insert(8,9) BTree.insert(7,8) String=String+"\n\nKeys After insertion: "+str(BTree.keys()) String=String+"\n\nValues After Insertion :"+str(BTree.values()) BTree.remove(5) BTree.remove(8) String=String+"\n\nPath to item 4 :"+str(BTree._path_to(4)) String=String+"\n\nKeys After Deletion of 5,8 :"+str(BTree.keys()) String=String+"\n\nValues After Deletion: "+str(BTree.values()) String=String+"\n\ntree contains 5 :"+str(BTree.__contains__(5)) String=String+"\n\nList Containg 11 :"+ str(BTree.getlist(11)) fout=open("out_35_21_5.txt",'w') fout.write(String)