- Ringa- ringa- ring
- Where Birds flap their wings, they sing
- They are really small, 15cm
- Candil, cand, or candly –all girls are sweeter.
- Yellow colour candles,
- With pink colour sandals,
- With white colour hats,
- And can look at
- Even a kid of a bat
- 3 km away when she sat.
- Whenever they are hungry
- No matter where ever they be,
- They just need a tomato
- No ice cream, no honey of a bee.
- Very often the girls feel hungry tight,
- Then, light flashes from their headlight,
- And they get smaller and smaller
- And once they get it, they get taller.
- They like to go to school
- And sing really cool.
- I hope I could meet them
- But they live in a car just like a huge den,
- They sleep on bunker beds,
- And feel safe, and no one cares to be dead.
- They like rabbits,
- Live with rabbits
- And do chit chat chits
- With rabbits,
- Thousands of these
- Get no disease,
- Have no captains
- And no complain captions
- In school,
- Can you imagine dude,
- Only one teacher
- And thousands of the same creatures.
- They hope to meet me,
- I just wanna see
- A small selfie
- With me and the creature who wish to see me.