Vice Chancellor - SR University

Director - leadingindia.ai

Director, Chair, IEEE Computer Society, India Council

Prof. Deepak Garg has worked as Professor and Dean, School of Computer Science Engineering & Technology at Bennett University

Conferences Conducted

11th International Advanced Computing Conference (IACC-2021)

11th International Advanced Computing Conference on 18th & 19th December, 2021 at University of Malta, Malta

CCIS 10th International Conference on Advanced Computing (IACC-2020)

CCIS 10th International Conference on Advanced Computing (IACC-2020) at Taj Vivanta, Goa on October 01-02, 2020.

IEEE 9th International Conference on Advanced Computing (IACC-2019)

IEEE 9th International Conference on Advanced Computing (IACC-2019) at MAM College of Engineering and Technology on December 13-14, 2019.



Invited talk on
"Future trends in AI"
at National Science Day Celebration at LNCT Group of Colleges, Bhopal

on 27th February, 2023.


Invited talk at
“International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Computing and Security (ICABCS-2023)”
at Galgotia University, Greater Noida

on 25th February, 2023.


Invited talk on
"Advances in AI"
at JSS Academy of Technical Education Noida

on 25th February, 2023.

Memberships of
Professional / Engineering / Research organisations at
International / National Level

Member, Computer Science Criteria Committee
for ABET CAC Criteria
From October 2016 to October 2017.

Member, Education Activity Board
IEEE Committee on Global Accreditation Activities
From January 2016 to December 2016.

Member, Board of Governors
IEEE Education Society
From January 2015 to December 2016

Workshops Conducted

  1. Conducted a Workshop on "AI and Deep Learning Research with ANNs, CNNs and RNNS" VR Sarvjanik College of Engineering, India Council at Surat from January 4, 2019 to January 6, 2019 .

  1. Conducted a Workshop on "AI and Deep Learning Research with ANNs, CNNs and RNNS" VR Siddhartha Engineering College, Vijayawada,from January 26, 2019 to January 27, 2019.

  1. Conducted a Workshop on "AI and Deep Learning Research with ANNs, CNNs and RNNS" at College of Engineering, Pune from December 21, 2018 to December 23, 2018.

Research Projects

Making Deep Learning and AI skills mainstream in India

Making Deep Learning and AI skills mainstream in India to fulfill trilateral needs of entrepreneurship, Industry academia partnership and application-inspired Engineering Research for INR 50,00,00,000 (50 Crore) by Royal Academy of Engineering in partnership with University College, London, Brunel University, London, NVIDIA, AWS Educate, Videoken and Edvantis.

Newton Bhabha Research Project by Roayal Academy of Engineering, UK

Newton Bhabha Research Project by Roayal Academy of Engineering, UK with a Total Budget of 100 Lac INR The objective of the project is to enhance the capacity of the teachers to improve the education delivery experience. The Project involves design and development of four mini-MOOCs. Two of these will be on (i) How to design MOOC Content (ii) MOOC Life Cycle (Inception to Delivery). Then there will be two more modules to demonstrate the best practices with the help of two popular topics. Innovative Pedagogy to deliver these

DST Research Project on Tox2020

DST Research Project on Tox2020: Toxicity Prediction of pre clinical trial drug using Physicochemical Properties and Machine Learning Approaches. The project is approved at a total cost of Rs. 24 Lakhs. The objective of the project is to develop better toxicity assessment features, methods and algorithms along with better data structures to handle the big data. To create new methods for assessing chemical toxicity which will have the potential to improve the procedure followed by scientists to evaluate environmental chemicals and develop new medicines.To develop a framework to quickly and efficiently test certain chemical compounds for their probable chances to disrupt processes in the human body.To develop a stand-alone and/or web-based application(s) that helps the researchers and research community to predict the toxicity of the newly discovered chemical compound ECR/2015/000150

Pattern Discovery using DNA sequences

Completed AICTE Research Project on Pattern Discovery using DNA sequences. The project was assigned at a total cost of Rs. 11 Lakhs. The objective of the product was to enhance available tools used in Bioinformatics Sequences. It developed new algorithms for data mining in Bioinformatics Sequences. File Number: 8022/RID/NPROJ/RPS41/200304/22.03.04

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